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2024 REL-4 - Release Notes

Date: March 13, 2024


In this release, we increased the character limit for logins and added decoy test form functionality. Additionally, we added the capability to issue certification numbers without also issuing PDF certificates and accessibility enhancements.


Feature 1

Ability to generate a cert # without pdf cert enabled.

Feature 2

Proxy Detection - Decoy Test Form Logic

Feature 3

Increase the character limit for logins - All Clients

Feature 4

Accessibility: Screen Reader: True/False question type: Insufficient label announced for the radio buttons

Feature 5

Accessibility: Screen Reader: Text entry fields inline question type: Incorrect heading level announced for the headings

Feature 6

Accessibility: Screen Reader: Text entry fields inline question type: Text that is styled as headings are not announced as heading

Feature 7

Accessibility: Screen Readers: Submit Exam confirmation: 'Loading' notification is not announced by the screen reader



Defect 1

Collect.js Currency Format Issue

Additional Information

For more information and guidance on using the new features, please refer to our Webassessor User’s Guide. We hope you enjoy these new features and find them helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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