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2024 REL15 - Release Notes

Date: November 07, 2024


In this release, we focused on enhancing both the admin and candidate experiences with a series of new features and improvements. For item writers, we introduced the ability to move or copy multiple items at once, streamlining content management. The Admin UI received a fresh navigation bar to simplify access to key areas. To improve transparency during the exam precheck process, candidates can now view their dynamic queue position and wait time. Additionally, we’ve integrated in-app chat during the Online Proctor Launch (OLP) process, enabling candidates to receive real-time support. We’re also laying the groundwork for future innovations, such as eye calibration in AI Proctor Assist for gaze analysis and two-way voice support, both of which are coming soon to further enhance the proctored exam experience.

New Features:

3Feature 1

New Webassessor role - promotion Partner Member

Feature 2

SSO Deeplink Reschedule and Cancellation: confirmation email and refund email

Feature 3

Ability to Search and Move, Copy and Delete Multiple Items at Once - Phase 2

Feature 4

Ability to Retire Items: LOGIC - Add Feature Flag

Feature 5

Item Copy/Move Enhancement: UI - Remove the Selected Items/Item Banks Folder in the Copy/Move GUI

Feature 6

Item Copy/Move Enhancement: LOGIC - Reload Issue when expanding a folder in Copy/Move page

Feature 7

AI Proctor Assist Phase 2 - Enable the AI Proctor assist in External Camera view

Feature 8

AI Proctor Assist Phase 2 - Implement Candidate Gaze Calibration UI

Feature 9

AI Proctor Assist Phase 2 - Implement Candidate Gaze Calibration Backend

Feature 10

Add TDS Chat Icon to WA Candidate Biometrics & Launch Screens

Feature 11

New UI - Help Page

Feature 12

New UI - Results Page

Feature 13

AI Proctor Assist Phase 2 - Toggle

Feature 14

Total Refund for Cancelling an Exam

Feature 15

Partial Refund for Cancelling an Exam

Feature 16

Toggle: Enabled New Candidate UI - Backend and Frontend

Feature 17

Two-Way Voice Support – Admin

Feature 18

New UI for Logo, Navigation Header and Navigation Links (Home, Candidate, Assessment)

Feature 19

New UI for Navigation Header and Navigation Links (Testing Network, Admin, Report and Support)

Feature 20

Update "Waiting" Screen - Additional Queuing Feature for Respondus Browsers

Feature 21

Enhance WA DB to support multiple values for custom fields options list

Feature 22

Feature toggle for Queueing Timer and Position

Feature 23

Enhance Queue Waiting Time Functionality for Respondus Browsers

Feature 24

Respondus: Calibration


Defect 1

Payment Page UI - Gray spinner and overlay disappears before processing of payment is finished

Defect 2

Replicate Tax Calculation Logic From Struts to Spring Based on Exam Type

Defect 3

Discounted pricing for Candidates not applying when using the New Registration UI

 Additional Information

For more information and guidance on using the new features, please refer to our help center. We hope you enjoy these new features and find them helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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