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REL 13 - Release Notes

Date: July 19th, 2023


This is a revised version of REL13 wherein all Web Accessibility codes were reverted. In this release, we implemented bypass functionality for "Voucher-only", update the Outdated client-side jQuery 3.3.1 to Latest version (KPS) and work on feature for OLP alert that can be sent when a candidate requests support. For SSO, we implemented Coupon/Voucher Field in Registration Carts and resolved defects/bugs for SSO deeplinks brand field error page.


  • Feature 1:  Voucher-only purchase bypass possible

  • Feature 2: Ensure OLP Alert is sent when candidate requests support

  • Feature 3: Outdated client-side jQuery 3.3.1 to Latest version (KPS)

  • Feature 4: SSO Deep links: Implement Coupon/Voucher Field to Registration Carts with a Price

  • Bug 1: SSO Deep Links - Brand Field Redirect to Error Page with Correct Value (Hotfix)



Known Issues

During the first deployment of REL13 with Web Accessibility features, KTN Centers has an older version of Lab Lockdown Browser (Version 2.00.608) that is not compatible and causing the test takers onsite to load the exam. We also encountered a Transcript error issue while submitting the exam from the Lower tier.


How to use the feature:

Additional Information

  • For more information and guidance on using the new features, please refer to our Webassessor User’s Guide. We hope you enjoy these new features and find them helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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