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REL 15 - Release Notes

Date: August 16, 2023


In this release, we have introduced AI precheck functionality. When the automated precheck for an OLP exam is enabled, the candidate will be validated using their mobile device and complete the process by capturing a photo of themselves and a photo of their government issued photo ID.


  • Feature 1: Add processing for photo check

  • Feature 2: Greeter screen changes - UI

  • Feature 3: Display a message indicating that the candidate is done with the mobile check-in

  • Feature 4: In the Splash screen, Allow the candidate to proceed once the mobile check-in is done

  • Feature 5: Splash screen next button when clicked must proceed to the greeter queue

  • Feature 6: Associate precheck code in Admin Registration Management

  • Feature 7: Implement selfie photo validation

  • Feature 8: Registration status validation

  • Feature 9: Passing precheck photos to Greeter

  • Feature 10: Mobile Check-In Flow: UX Updates

  • Feature 11: Dynamically detect the deployed environment

  • Feature 12: Mobile Check-In Flow: UX Updates (clicking exit should trigger the lockdown browser to close)

  • Feature 13: Passing precheck photos to Greeter (Deleting selfie photo and ID in AWS on the candidate side)

  • Feature 14: Greeter screen - determine the precheck type AI or live precheck in the detail tab using the delivery table

  • Feature 15: As a test taker I want to see a waiting icon (throbber) when saving my selfie and id photo so that I know that it is still loading/processing



Additional Information

  • For more information and guidance on using the new features, please refer to our Webassessor User’s Guide. We hope you enjoy these new features and find them helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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