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Learn how to create and manage exam catalogs.


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Catalogs are organizers for exams, allowing candidates to easily find the exams they are interested in, such as fundamental or advanced exams. It's crucial to create at least one catalog before creating an exam, as exams must be assigned to a catalog. You can move exams to different catalogs later if needed.

Steps to Create a Catalog

  1. Navigate to Catalogs:

    • Go to the Main Menu.

    • Select Assessments.

    • Click on Catalogs.

  2. Create a New Catalog:

    • Once on the catalog page, click the New button to create a new catalog.

    • Provide a name for the catalog. Make sure it’s clear and specific as this is visible to your candidates when registering.

    • Optionally, add a description to give more details about the catalog.

  3. Configure Catalog Visibility:

    • Show in Exam Catalog: This option makes any exam added to this catalog visible to candidates. If you want to keep the catalog and its exams hidden, select "No" for this option.

    • Administrator Only Registration: Marking the catalog as "Administrator Only Registration" hides the catalog and exams from candidates. They can only be registered by an administrator. This is useful for accommodation exams or special exams that require approval before registration.

  4. Save the Catalog:

    • Click Save to create the catalog.

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