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Learn how to use coupons


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Coupons are used to enhance promotional strategies by allowing you to offer discounts through a shared coupon code. Instead of generating unique codes for each candidate, like vouchers, you can create a single coupon code, such as "Summer15," which can be used by multiple candidates to avail of a specific discount, like 15% off their purchase.

Steps to Create a Coupon

1. Access the Coupon Creation Tool

  • Navigate: Go to the main menu, select Assessments, and then click on Coupons. This will take you to the coupon management area.

2. Specify the Region

  • Choose the Region: If applicable, select the geographical region where the coupon will be valid. This helps tailor the coupon to specific markets.

3. Define the Coupon Code

  • Enter the Code: Type in the unique coupon code, such as Summer15. This is the code candidates will use during registration to avail themselves of the discount or offer.

4. Set the Expiration Date

  • Determine Validity: Specify the last date on which the coupon can be used to register. Post this date, the coupon will expire and cannot be used.

5. Set the Last Eligible Exam Date

  • Exam Deadline: Define the final date by which a candidate must take the exam using this coupon. This ensures all exams are scheduled within your promotional period.

6. Assign Candidates

  • Assignment Options:

    1. All Candidates: Makes the coupon available to every candidate.

    2. Specific Candidates: Restrict the coupon to selected candidates based on your criteria.

7. Set the Coupon Value

  • Discount Options: Choose how the discount is applied:

    • Flat Amount: E.g., $5.00 off

    • Percentage: E.g., 25% off

8. Determine Total Uses

  • Usage Limit: Decide how many times in total the coupon can be redeemed. Setting this to 50 means the coupon will deactivate after 50 uses.

9. Limit Uses Per Candidate

  • Individual Limit: Specify the number of times each candidate can use the coupon. For example, setting this to 2 would allow each candidate to use the coupon twice.

10. Provide a Description (Optional)

  • Details: Add a description for internal use to help identify the purpose and scope of the promotion.

Email Settings

  • Domain Restrictions:

    • Allow Specific Domains: Only users with allowed email domains (e.g., can use the coupon.

    • Block Specific Domains: Users from blocked domains (e.g., cannot use the coupon, while all others can.

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