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Learn how create exams and manage exam settings.


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An exam is the final product that candidates will register for. It controls the delivery settings and ensures that the test is conducted according to the specified parameters.

Steps to Create an Exam

  1. Access the Exam Creation Section:

    • Go to the Main Menu.

    • Click on "Assessments".

    • Select "Exams".

  2. Create a New Exam:

    • Click on "New" to start creating a new exam.

    • If applicable, select the Region where the exam should be created.

  3. Enter Exam Details:

    • Exam Name: Enter the name that candidates will see when they register.

    • Description: Provide a description for candidates to read when registering.

    • Catalog: Choose the appropriate catalog for the exam.

    • Price: Set the price for the exam.

  4. Configure Security Settings:

    • Delivery Type: Select the appropriate delivery type. Note that an exam can have multiple delivery types, some of which may need configuration by Kryterion. Contact your CSM for assistance.

    • Test Duration: Specify the duration of the test.

  5. Assign Test Forms:

    • Select the Test Form that will be assigned to this exam. You can assign multiple test forms if needed. An exam requires at least one test form.

  6. Set Availability:

    • Registration Window: Define when candidates can register for the exam.

    • Delivery Window: Define when the exam can be taken.

    • Use Case: For example, if an exam is available only in a specific period, set the registration window accordingly. The delivery window should match the timeframe when the exam can actually be taken.
      *All date and time entries used to create and manage exams, vouchers and coupons are based on Mountain Standard Time for Arizona, USA. (Also referred to as UTC-7 and GMT-7.) System users in other time zones are urged to adjust their entries accordingly.

  7. Add Instructions or Agreement:

    • If you want to include exam instructions or an agreement, make sure to check the "Show Instructions" or "Show Agreement" boxes.

  8. Customize Pass/Fail Messages:

    • You can create custom pass/fail messages for candidates.

    • To show these messages, ensure you check the "Show Message" box.

  9. Set Retake Rules:

    • Define the number of times candidates can register or retake the exam.

  10. Define Exam Prerequisites:

    • You can require candidates to pass other exams before registering for this one. For example, a candidate may need to pass a fundamental exam before taking an advanced exam.

  11. Set Account Prerequisites:

    • This functionality allows setting custom fields on the candidate's account as prerequisites. For example, for a partner-only exam, candidates must have their profile set to "partner" to register.

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