Private Centers
Learn how to view and manage private testing centers in your network.
Access to certain features is restricted based on role type in an effort to reduce item exposure and promote process integrity. Please see the member role description page for information on permissions.
Private Centers Management
The Private Centers screen is where you will be able to create, remove, and manage all private testing location records for your private network.
In this table you will see:
Available - the testing location is currently assigned to at least one channel, meets the prerequisites listed below, and is marked as ‘Active’ in the details page for this location.
Prerequisite Not Met - the testing location as missing one or more of the necessary requirements:
at least one Proctor
at least one Workstation
an established Schedule
at least one Channel
Not Active - an administrative member made this location unavailable by check ‘Not Active’ in the details page for this location.
Closed - an administrative member made this location unavailable by check ‘Closed’ in the details page for this location.
Testing Location Name - Click on the name of the testing location to upon up the details page explained below
Zip/Postal Code
You will also have the options to create a new center or delete one. Please note that deleted testing center information cannot be retrieved once completed, so exercise caution and evaluate if setting a center to ‘Not Active’ or ‘Closed’ is a preferrable course of action.
New Testing Location
Clicking ‘New’ will take you to a form for you to complete in order to create a new testing location.
Details needed to create a new testing location:
Testing Location Name (required) - it is strongly recommended to make each location name distinctive and easily identifiable to reduce the potential for candidate confusion. For example, you might incorporate the name of the city or street the location is associated with into the name.
Main Contact Full Name (required) - List the name of the person primarily responsible for managing inbound communications at this location.
Main Contact Phone (required) - List the preferred telephone number of the main contact.
Main Contact Fax - List the preferred fax number of the main contact.
Main Contact Email - List the preferred email address of the main contact.
Limit Future Schedule Access (required) - List the maximum number of days going forward that candidates can view the exam schedule.
Delayed Hours for Scheduling (required) - List the number of hours going forward that the testing location's exam schedule is masked (to prevent short notice candidate registrations). The default setting is 24 hours.
Address Line 1 (required)
Address Line 2
City (required)
Province/State (required)
Zip/Postal Code (required)
Country (required)
Time Zone (required)