Learn how to create and manage channels.
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Channels are a set of test centers or locations that are permitted to deliver an exam. Your in-person exams are within the Kryterion Testing Network by default. Your organization may be interested in hosting your own centers or an onsite testing event so you do have the ability to create your own private channels. You must be a Site Administrator role to be able to create private channels for your organization.
Channel Management
The Webassessor Channel Management screen has three main functions:
By default, it lists all active, private channels in the current region.
It lets you create new, private channels for the region or remove existing channels.
It lets you search for existing channels by keyword within your region.
These channels are specifically for your network of private testing locations, as outlined inPrivate Centers. You can quickly tell if a channel is for your own private network or if it is a part of Kryterion’s testing network by the channel code prefix:
Private channel codes have a CH prefix (CH000001 - CH999999)
Kryterion Testing Network channel codes use a HOST prefix (HOST0001 - HOST9999)
The details tab for a channel will simply show the channel description and the channel status. The ‘Edit’ and ‘Done’ buttons will be available on each of the tabs and will allow you to either edit the details by clicking ‘Edit’ or return to the previous page by clicking ‘Done’.
Testing Locations
The testing locations tab pulls up a search function and a table of results. You can search using a keyword and filter by location status.
The table elements:
Testing Location Name
Zip/Postal Code
You can also use this table to add or delete testing locations. The functionality for this mirrors the Private Centers page.
This tab shows a read-only list of onsite proctored exams that are utilizing the currently selected channel. If an exam is not showing on this list, you will need to navigate to the security settings of that specific exam and assign this channel to that exam.
The table elements: