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Managing a Region

Learn how to manage your region(s) in Webassessor.


Access to certain features is restricted based on role type in an effort to reduce item exposure and promote process integrity. Please see the member role description page for information on permissions.

Management as a Site Administrator

The ability to see and manage multiple regions is solely limited to Site Administrators and Kryterion.

When viewing the region navigation page, you will:

  • See all active regions created for your organization

  • Be able to search for specific regions by keyword

  • Quickly navigate to the details screen of a desired region

If you are interested in setting up additional regions for your organization, please contact your Kryterion customer success manager for assistance.

Region Details Page

Only Site Administrators will have access to the region’s settings.

These details are view-only for Site Administrators. Please contact your Kryterion customer success manager for assistance with making any updates to region settings.

  • Client - the name of the client (your organization)

  • Region Name - the name assigned to the region

  • Branding - the title assigned to the client's branding (managed by Kryterion)

  • Candidate Path - the custom URL parameter for the region that will bring candidates to your Webassessor page for that region ( e.g. )

  • Reply To Email - the primary email address to which region-related queries and comments should be sent

  • CC Email(s) - the carbon copy email address(es) to which out-going region-specific emails are sent, if applicable

  • BCC Email(s) - the blind carbon copy email address(es) to which out-going region-specific emails are sent, if applicable

  • Email Signature - text automatically appended at the end of all outgoing client / region emails (e.g. a name and title, company / division / location name, contact details, address, etc.)

  • Properties - N/A. This field / functionality is no longer in use

  • Date Created - the date that the region record was generated (the format is DD Month YYYY)

  • Creator - the first and last name of the Kryterion customer success manager who created the region

  • Date Modified - the date that the region record was last updated (the format is DD Month YYYY)

  • Status - the status of the region (only active regions are available to Site and Region Administrators)

  • Enable Multiple Exam Price - indicates if exams in the region are utilizing multiple prices (e.g. candidates in emerging markets are offered discounted rates for exams)

    • Successful implementation is contingent upon set-up of an "Emerging Regions" section for you by Kryterion. For details, consult your customer success manager.

  • Use Payment Service? -

    • If Yes - candidates are given the option to use a credit card payment option, in addition to coupons or vouchers

    • If No - candidates are restricted to using a coupon or voucher code for registration

  • Payment Processor - If Use Payment Service = Yes, this field identifies the firm that handles those credit card payments (Kryterion’s primary payment processing affiliate is NMI)

  • Currency - USD will be listed as the currency by default

    • Under certain circumstances, other currencies may be designated. For details, consult your customer success manager.

  • Voucher Only - If activated, candidates registering for the exam are restricted to providing a voucher ID code when registering for the exam and will not be able to use a credit card payment

    • Administrators who register for these exams on the candidates' behalf must do one of the following:

      • In the candidates account, register for the exam and apply the voucher ID code for them on the shopping cart page

      • Select the ‘Override' button to access and complete the 'Price Overrides’ screen

  • Enable Exam Eligibility - N/A. This field / functionality is no longer in use

  • Show Respondus Install Reminder Popup? -

    • If Yes - Webassessor displays a client-configurable pop-up in the My Assessments screen to candidates who have not installed the latest version of the secure browser

    • If No - the pop-up has been disabled and will not appear to candidates unless Kryterion is requiring candidates to install a new version of Respondus prior to launching any exams

  • Respondus Popup Title - displays the customizable header that appears in the Show Respondus Install Reminder pop-up

  • Respondus Popup Text - displays the customizable body text that appears in the Show Respondus Install Reminder pop-up

  • Respondus Popup Dismiss Button Label - displays the customizable label that identifies this dismissal button in the Show Respondus Install Reminder pop-up

  • Respondus Popup Install Button Label - displays the customizable label that identifies this button as an installation prompt in the Show Respondus Install Reminder pop-up

  • Respondus Popup Don't Show Checkbox Label - displays the customizable text that identifies the checkbox as an extended dismissal function for the Show Respondus Install Reminder pop-up

  • Notes - information pertinent to this region for future reference by any administrator with access to it and is inserted on the client’s behalf by a Kryterion customer success manager

  • Candidate Registration Agreement - region-wide (standard) exam-specific registration rules or requirements that candidates must agree to before they are allowed to schedule an exam

    • This agreement language may be overridden for individual exams. For details, consult your customer success manager.

Custom Fields

Custom fields allow you to collect candidate that is custom and specific to the needs of your organization. These fields can be alphanumeric entries, date-based entries, drop-down selections, etc. These custom fields can be used to collect more granular data from your candidates or even use them as perquisites to determine candidate eligibility for particular exams.

Types of Custom Fields:

  • String - Entry of alphanumeric characters in an open field

  • Options List - Multiple option in a drop-down menu

  • Numeric - Entry with a decimal value

  • Integer - Entry of whole numbers

  • Date - Entry of a calendar date in DD Month YYYY format

These details are view-only for Site Administrators. Please contact your Kryterion customer success manager for assistance with making any updates to region settings.

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