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Learn how to create and manage voucher partners.


The Partners page is for you to create a dedicated entity within Webassessor that you can assign specific voucher batches to, for instances such as using a third-party to distribute vouchers on your behalf. This feature also allows for creating accounts for partners in the Partner Members section, which allows them to view data and run reports regarding the specific voucher batches assigned that partner. A partner is the entity, and the partner members are the people from that entity you want to give limited Webassessor access to.

Access to certain features is restricted based on role type in an effort to reduce item exposure and promote process integrity. Please see the member role description page for information on permissions.

How to Create a Partner

Creating a partner is very quick and easy to do. Simply navigate to the Partners page and click New. This will take you to a form where you will add a name for the partner and fill out the following details:

  • Main Contact Name

  • Main Contact Email

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • Province/State

  • Postal Code

  • Country

  • Time Zone

There is also a Notes tab here for any additional details you would like to include for that partner.

Partner Management

Once you have created a partner, you will see the tabs for Partner Members and Assigned Vouchers. You can use these to manage the accounts you’ve created for this partners as well as the vouchers you’ve assigned to this partner.

Partner Members

This is a view-only list of the partner member accounts that have been created and assigned to this partner. You can see the following information:

  • Login

  • First Name

  • Last Name

To control which partners a partner member account is assigned to, navigate to Partner Members and manage their assignment in the account settings.

Assigned Vouchers

This populates a table of any vouchers batches that are currently assigned to this partner. To manage which voucher batches are assigned or unassigned, click the Assign button. This will take you to a page that allows you to assign or unassign available vouchers.


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