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Learn how to create and use vouchers


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Steps to Create a Voucher

Step 1: Navigate to the Vouchers Section

  1. Go to the Main Menu.

  2. Select Assessments.

  3. Choose Vouchers.

Step 2: Create a New Voucher Batch

  1. Click on New to start creating a new voucher batch.

Step 3: Provide Basic Information

  1. Name the Voucher Batch: Enter a name for the batch, such as “2024 Partner Vouchers.” This title is for your reference and will not be the code given to candidates. Each batch will have uniquely generated codes.

Step 4: Set Important Dates

  1. Expiration Date: Select the last date the voucher can be used to register.

  2. Last Exam Date: Select the final date that can be booked using the voucher.

Step 5: Identify Eligible Exams

  1. Choose the exams that the voucher can be used for.

Step 6: Pick Voucher Assignment Rules

There are three options for assigning vouchers:

  1. Assigned Vouchers: You must assign candidates to the voucher batch.

  2. Unassigned Vouchers: Specify a quantity of unassigned vouchers. Candidates can use the voucher if they have the code.

  3. Assign Vouchers on Test Completion: Automatically issue vouchers upon test completion. For example, if a candidate fails the exam, you can issue a voucher for 50% off their next attempt.

Step 7: Add an Optional Description

  1. Description: Optionally, add a description for the voucher batch to indicate its purpose.

Step 8: Set Voucher Value

  1. Voucher Value: Choose a dollar amount (e.g., $10.00 off) or a percentage discount (e.g., 50% off).

Step 9: Optional Configurations

Enhance your voucher batch with these additional settings:

  1. Allowed Email Domains: Specify which email domains can use the voucher.

  2. Blocked Email Domains: Specify which email domains cannot use the voucher.

  3. Candidate Country: Choose which countries the voucher can be used in. For example, if set to the USA, candidates in other countries will be unable to use the voucher.

Step 10: Save the Voucher Batch

  1. Click Save to finalize and save your voucher batch.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and manage voucher batches in our system, ensuring a seamless experience for your candidates.

Distributing Voucher Batches

If your organization partners with third-parties to distribute certain voucher batches, we have added functionality that allows you manage these partners, members of those organizations, and your voucher assignments to those partners. You can learn more about this in Partners.

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