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Learn how to create and manage your candidates' accounts.


Access to certain features is restricted based on role type in an effort to reduce item exposure and promote process integrity. Please see the member role description page for information on permissions.

Candidate Accounts

The landing page for Candidate Accounts is where you will be able to see all candidates in a specified region, search for them using a keyword search, access and edit their account information, and create new accounts.

There are several components to the Candidates page:

  • Search Bar

    • You can filter your search by region (only visible for Site Administrators)

    • You can search by inputting a keyword (e.g. login, first name, last name)

    • You can opt to include inactive accounts (only active candidates are included by default)

  • Candidates Table

    • All candidates in the given region(s) will appear in a table format

    • Columns are:

      • Status

      • Login

      • First Name

      • Last Name

    • If there are more than 20 candidates, the table will have pages with up to 20 records per page

  • 'New' Button

    • This will take you to a form to create a new candidate

Creating New Candidate Accounts

To add new candidates, click the 'New” button on the top right of the page Accounts.

This will take you to a form to fill out the necessary information:

The following information will be asked of you when creating a new candidate account:

Login* (Must be an email address or alphanumeric characters)

Legal First Name*

Legal Last Name*

Email Address*

Primary Phone



Address 1*

Address 2:



Postal Code*



Custom Fields (if configured for your region)

Additionally, you will have the option leave notes on the account in Notes tab if desired.

Once you hit ‘Save’ and create the account, the candidate will receive a welcome email and will be invited to create a password.

Candidate Details

You can open the candidate details page for a candidate by clicking on their login from the table on the accounts page.


  • Edit - Edit personal information or leaves notes

  • Done - navigate back to the candidate table

  • Send Welcome Email - sends a new welcome email to the email on record for that candidate (a welcome email is sent automatically upon account creation. This can be used for subsequent welcome emails such as after an account update)

  • Send Password - sends a password reset link to the email on record for that candidate

  • Register - initiates the registration process for you to register for an exam on the candidate’s behalf (please see the Registrations page for more details)

  • Send Schedule - sends the candidate an email listing all upcoming exams that they are registered for

  • Reset Keystroke - resets the candidate’s biometric profile (only visible for Site Administrators)


  • Details - the default tab showing the candidate information in view-only mode

  • Notes - tab showing any notes on the account in view-only mode

  • Registrations - tab showing all of the candidate’s registrations and details in an interactive table (please see the Registrations page for more details)

    • Assessment Status

    • Assessment

    • Date Scheduled

    • Date Completed

    • Result

    • Score

  • Transcript - tab showing any notes on the account in view-only mode

  • Change History - tab showing any changes made to the account in view-only mode showing:

    • Change By (person, date, and time)

    • Field

    • Original Value

    • New Value

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