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Developer Resources

Information for API Specifications, SSO Integrations, and other developer resources.


You have the ability to extend beyond the Webassessor Admin UI and use custom integrations that work for your program. You will need to work with your customer success manager for access to these features.

API Integration

A collection of available web services calls for Kryterion clients, listing API requests, their request parameters, example JSON objects, return values and possible error messages can be found here:

API Integration Specification

SSO Integration

Provide candidates a seamless user experience when accessing your branded Webassessor landing page or other key Webassessor pages from an LMS or CRM with single sign-on (SSO) implementation. Our OAuth2- and SAML-based integration technologies authenticate candidate credentials quickly, securely and unobtrusively.


Commonly adopted to simplify the Webassessor login process. A link in the client application (e.g., LMS) transparently logs your candidate into Webassessor; no additional credential entry is required. Thereafter, the candidate can freely navigate Webassessor to complete any standard task..

For more details on integrating Standard SSO with Webassessor, see the following password-protected webpages.

Enables candidates to click a link in a client’s LMS or other application that transparently logs them into Webassessor to complete a specific task (e.g., exam registration) without requiring the re-entry of credentials. Thereafter, the candidate is returned to the originating application.

As with the Standard SSO integration with Webassessor, Kryterion supports using OAuth2 or SAML protocols for deep links integrations. For more details regarding integration using Deep Links SSO, see the following password-protected webpages.

For additional information about SSO integration, speak to your Kryterion customer success manager.

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